Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Kansas School of Education (2011); Award for Effective Presentation of Behavior Analysis in the Mass Media, Society for applied Behavior Analysis (2006); Outstanding Leadership Award, Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (2002); Publication Award, Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children (1998, 1990); Outstanding Faculty Award, Curry School of Education Foundation (1997); Special W. Kuhn Barnett Award, Virginia Council for Exceptional Children (1995); Research Award, Council for Exceptional Children (1994); Outstanding Service Award, Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavioral Disorders (1991)
President, Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (1990-1991); Vice President, Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (1988-1989); President, Society for Learning Disabilities and Remedial Education (1980-1981); American Educational Research Association; Council for Exceptional Children; International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities
Creative Works:
Editor, ‘On Educational Inclusion: Meanings, History, Issues, and International Perspectives’ (2020); Author, ‘Cyber Abuse: The Dr. Laura Letter’ (2020); Consulting Editor, ‘Learning Disability Quarterly’ (1981-Present); Co-Author, ‘Issues in Educational Placement: Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders’ (1995); Co-Author, ‘Managing Classroom Behavior: A Reflective Case-Based Approach’ (first edition 1993); Associate Editor, ‘Exceptional Children’ (1988-1994, 1973-1976); Co-Editor, ‘Handbook of Special Education’ (first edition 20l1); Editor, Journal, ‘Remedial and Special Education’ (1979-1987); Associate Editor, ‘Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities’ (1979-1983); Co-Author, ‘Exceptional Children: Introduction to Special Education’ (first edition 1978); Author, ‘Characteristics of Children’s Behavior Disorders’ (first edition 1977); Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Learning Disabilities (1976-1994); Co-Author, ‘Introduction to Learning Disabilities: A Psychobehavioral Approach’ (first edition 1976); Co-Editor, ‘Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities: Personal Perspectives’ (1976); Co-Editor, ‘Mental Retardation: Introduction and Personal Perspectives’ (1975); Co-Author, ‘Exceptional Children in Focus: Incidents, Concepts and Issues in Special Education’ (first edition 1974); Co-Editor, ‘Teaching Children with Behavior Disorders: Personal Perspectives’ (1974); Co-Author, ‘Teaching Children with Learning Problems’ (first edition 1973); Contributor, many book chapters and many professional journal articles
Member, Council for Exceptional Children; Member, Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders
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